Sunday 20 January 2013

The Earth!

You know that Universe is big,so our home,planet Earth is a small part of big thing and this thing is Galaxy!
Have you ever thought about that we are a lucky Organisms(people), because,maybe there's a planet like earth and there's live Organisms like us but, maybe at this time we are alone,so we must take care of our planet earth.Because at this time  there's no planet which suggests us Climate and Atmosphere like an earth.You see that earth is our gift from the universe which we mustn't destroy,we must take care of him(earth).So people please take care of earth because it's our  one little home in the big Universe.
If someone will find our earth and will see what we are doing to earth no one will look us from a good side,please repeat this words in your hearts to become more lover to earth!

With best wishes Nikoloz Gabrielashvili 

Administrator of blog.

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