Explosions on the sun, which is expected in the next few years, can lead to the disconnection of electricity on earth. In 1989, the elevated solar energy in Canada, kvebek of 6 million residents left in the dark. The explosion of the sun, according to British scientists, it will be five times more powerful than it was 22 years ago.

In fact, the British government has made. British Energy Minister, Chris honi, the fifth category of the magnetic storm was so worried that he called the staff to develop a plan to prevent the accident, in which specialists will assist them in Washington.
At least, according to scientists, the magnetic storm, which threatens the Earth coming 18 months will result in failure of the satellite and navigation systems.
The first explosion occurred on the sun, on September 1, 1859, he was known as "keringtonis event." Astronomer Richard keringtoni the explosions on the sun observed when the lens of his telescope two huge damabrmavebeli white light suddenly appeared mokashkashe ball. It was the strongest magnetic explosion on the sun.

Then, the magnetic storm, was so great that the world telegraphic system damage, worse, the majority of them were burned.
The second time, in 1989 there were explosions on the sun are so powerful as the nineteenth century. But the storm, several spacecraft sheatsvlevina course, interrupted us, "NASA" - a dispechereb with.
Of the magnetic storm, the earth is threatened in 2012-2013. According to scientists, the sun caused the explosion energy of our planet moaghtsevs seconds before the Earth is 2-3 days out of order will result in navigation systems.

However, according to other sources, solar activity in the coming years, it will be reduced. Many scientists predicts that the earth's second "ice age" is waiting.
It can affect on humans brain and it will be big damage for some sort's of people.This "Super" magnetic storm can damage the earth's magnetic field,but it won't affect on earth's daily and annual movement by 99%.It will be hard period not only for humans and for earth it will be hard.